School subscription details

School subscriptions are licensed to an entire location, usually a school.

The school licence allows any number of employed teachers and attending pupils to access the site. Note that temporary\supply teachers only have the right to use the licence whilst they are in the employ of the school and only if they are teaching the schools' attending pupils.

If you purchase a school subscription, we will provide you with two passwords. The teacher password allows access to all resources on the site, while the student password is restricted from accessing certain resources such as answer sheets and lesson plans.

A subscription gives you access to:

  • over 11,000 high quality resources in an editable format
  • 17 detailed and engaging schemes of work for KS3
  • GCSE revision videos
  • Interactive exam questions for GCSE
  • Interactive flashcards for GCSE
  • Pseudocode practice questions for GCSE
  • Easy to understand theory sections for sections 1 & 2 of the OCR & AQA 9-1 GCSE syllabus
  • Hundreds of ready to use workbooks, lesson tasks, starters and plenaries for GCSE
  • Theory sections for most of the OCR A Level Computer Science