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Search Sort Algorithms

Lesson tasks

Linear or Sequential search code

The link opposite contains a python file that carries out a linear search algorithm.

The student can run this to understand how linear search operates

A further task could be to extend it to include a counter that reports how many searches it made.

As a further task, the student could add extra code to allow the user to insert the unfound item into the list

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Binary search code

The link opposite contains a python file that carries out a binary search algorithm.

The student can run this to understand how binary search operates

A further task could be to extend it to include a counter that reports how many searches it made.

A large list could could be coded with a loop, then use it to explore the worst and best case performance - it should come to O(log n)

As a further task, the student could add extra code to allow the user to insert the unfound item into the list at the correct point

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Bubble sort code

The link opposite contains a python file that carries out a bubble sort algorithm.

The student can run this to understand how bubble sort operates

A further task could be to extend it to include a counter that reports how many compares and swaps it made.


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Insertion sort code

The link opposite contains a python file that carries out the insertion sort algorithm.

The student can run this to understand how insertion sort is encoded



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Merge sort code

The link opposite contains a python file that carries out the merge sort algorithm.

The student can run this to understand how merge sort operates

A further task could be to extend it to include output showing the lists created as it runs, then how it reforms the list into the final one


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Quicksort code

The link opposite contains a python file that carries out the quicksort algorithm.

The student can run this to understand how quicksort operates

A further task would be to explore sort time by giving it large lists of a certain type: a) already sorted, b) completely random with unique values, c) random with few unique values


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